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in Minnesota & Tennessee

Will I ever be okay...?

Grief and loss hits us like a freight train. No matter how quickly, expected, or unexpected, one can never truly be prepared for it. The chaos often becomes too much, leaving you to latch on to any piece of normalcy and safety. Only to realize, that nothing is normal about this... It feels everlasting, and learning to survive in this new space drains every once of energy.


Going through the motions, but feeling broken on the inside.


You feel disconnected from yourself - empty and hollow. Physically and mentally exhausted within the effort needed to sustain. Maybe even angry or confused about what's next. Uncertain on how to regain your sense of self and happiness with this missing piece. Uncertain on how to gain clarity and relief within daily living. Your left wondering, will I ever feel whole again...

Calm the mind & body. 

Loss can come in so many forms, sometimes in big waves, and sometimes in small doses of little by little change. It's all encompassing, consuming our daily lives.


 It may seem impossible now, but you can restore a sense of connection and peace within yourself. Learning to live in this new space while coping with the loss. 

Therapy can help you...

  • Gain an understanding of the cycle of grief, including the stages impacting your life.

  • Identify ways to process and cope with the loss, as you work toward rebuilding a healthy sense of you.

  • Process situations from the past, which may influence reactions and feelings within the present

  • Tame the internal noise and what-ifs, and create space to focus on your goals

A personalized plan will be created just for you, after all, this journey is yours

Through the techniques of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Strength Based Perspective, Exposure Therapy, and EMDR, we will personalize a plan to focus on your needs and goals. The intent, is to build upon your personal strengths and resources, finding what works best for you. I will assist in providing tools, a place to process, and gentle guidance and encouragement to gain confidence and strength to overcome the numerous anxieties of daily living.

Quiet your internal voice, and feel a sense of self and balance.

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